Friday, January 17, 2025

Dogs And Fire Sprinkler Systems

I had a thought... why not install a sprinkler system on the roof of your home in the event of a fire? And if your dog has a kennel, set up something similar. It shouldn't be too hard.

Dogs And Disaster Evacuations

Let’s say you had to bug out with your dog because you were subject to an emergency…

You know what you’d take for yourself: wallet, keys, family photos, portable food, cell phone and charger, spare cash, a bug out bag (first aid, lawn and leaf bags, flip flops, pen and paper, soap and shampoo, toothbrush and floss, umbrella, soft wool shirt, walkie talkies and batteries, Vaseline, whistle water purifier, gloves, hat, sunscreen, rain tarp, paracord, underwear, socks, wind jacket, jeans, pocket knife, some snack bars, pepper spray, space blanket, water, fire starter, etc… same stuff you’d take on an overnight hike), spare eye glasses, spare sun glasses, flashlight, durable shoes, important contacts list in waterproof container, some durable clothes if you have enough time, valuables, computer and charger, and important papers.

But, what about your dog? Yes, take your dog… but what else? Do you maintain a bug out bag for your dog? You probably should: food and water bowls, first aid book, first aid kit, pre-packaged dry food (weighs less than canned), water, extra leashes and collars, a couple of toys, brush, medicines, thumb drive with photos and pre-prepared flyer in Word format in case your dog gets lost, licenses, possibly a citronella spray to keep other dogs away as you run away. And is your dog microchipped? 

Plan accordingly. 

Thursday, January 16, 2025

Should Your Dog Get Annual Veterinary Checkups?


Plan accordingly.

What Is The Biggest Problem In Dog Training Today?


Confused About Dog Training?

Why is there so much confusion in the dog training world? 

A big part of the confusion is that the study of the mind/ body relationship is still not understood by science. 

If they don’t understand it, and if they can’t even get in agreement with what they are talking about, then that filters down into the dog training world. 

That doesn’t mean there aren’t some things that have been generally figured out. Of those things that are known, the fault then lies with dog trainers who haven’t attempted to figure those things out. 

There are four viewpoints that are still arguing with each other: 1.) Attempts to make sense of consciousness, including the idea of sensation and perception; 2.). Attempts in the laboratory to explain behavior and the assumption that consciousness is irrelevant; 3.) Attempts to explain behavior in terms of the theory of evolution and the effects of adaptation, some of which is done in field studies; and 4.) Another version of laboratory research focusing on biology, chemistry, physics, and medical experimentation. 

While all four types of science are looking at the same thing, they are like the proverbial story of the six blind men who come across an elephant: one feels a leg and thinks it is a tree, another touches its side and thinks it is a wall; another touches the trunk and thinks it is a snake, another touches the tail and thinks it is a rope, another touches a tusk and thinks it is a spear, another touches an ear and thinks it is a fan. 

In the dog training world, too much focus is on the perspective of trial-and-error learning. Give a pleasant reward, and you’ll get more of that behavior. Give an unpleasant consequence, and you’ll get less of that behavior. That may sound reasonable to explain everything and to do anything. Unfortunately, that isn’t how the entire “elephant” works. Yes, some toss in a little folklore about what they think wolves do in the wild, a dash of the psychic occult, and a willfully unaware approach that ignores most of the thinking that has gone on before them by some very smart people. The secondary approach that most are relying upon is the medical viewpoint of behavior, with a fleeting nod to behavior and a focus on giving a dog a pill. Furthermore, people are making up their own words that have no basis. If the scientists are still struggling with defining what they see, then how does it help to come up with an entirely different vocabulary, or to use what little is known in the wrong ways? 

So, here we are. And what is to be done about it? There is no unified field of psychology and behavior. There is no “science” of dog training yet. Looks like the blinders need to come off, eh?

Plan accordingly. 

Wednesday, January 15, 2025

Are Your Dogs Fighting?


Dogs And Monkeys On Typewriters

The obvious conclusion is that if millions of monkeys working gazillions of years cannot produce Shakespeare, the man himself could not produce Shakespeare picking words “randomly”. Intelligence is required. Both to write and comprehend. “Random” molecules bumping into one another isn’t enough to produce this.

How many monkeys, typing random letters, over how many years, would it take for them to write Shakespeare’s plays? 

Let’s put that in simple terms. Take all the monkeys that have ever existed on earth, and it would take more time than the entire existence of the universe.

This is why you can only take animal examples so far when drawing inferences about human behavior. The distance is so large as to be impossible to leap. This is also why it is unfair to hold dogs to human standards of behavior, intelligence, or understanding, and why many punishments dogs receive are unjustified and ineffective.

(HINT: DNA is even more complex than Shakespeare… just sayin’)

Plan accordingly.

Dogs And California Wildfires (Part 6)

Do you really think it will be safe for you and your dog to be hanging around the devastation after these fires are put out in LA? Ground water, air, dust, building waste... all contaminated. Construction workers will be exposed, too. And where does all that toxic waste go? Do the surrounding communities want that dust floating over their homes during the cleanup? 

The entire area is a hazardous waste pit. Remember what happened to the victims and first responders after the Twin Towers fell on 9/11... lots died young because of hazardous waste exposure. 

Those search dogs and teams scouring the remains there aren't safe. They are doing valuable work, but we will hear later of the cost. Same thing happened to the dog teams after 9/11.

Look at what people are facing there…

So, do you stay or do you go? And where is the rescue money going to go? To the residents? Or to special interests? Knowing California, it won’t be to the residents. Knowing the politics, the preening politicians will keep fiddling as Rome burns. Citizens are going to be left dangling. $250 billion in losses so far, and still counting… 

If you have relatives in CA, you might just want to discuss an escape plan for them. The worst is yet to come. I predict social unrest, and long term health and psychological problems: that is no place to be with your dog. And if you are part of those search and rescue teams, I respect the work you are doing... 

Plan accordingly. 

Dogs And Conditioning

Fitness is important for dog and handler. 

If I was a fitness coach, I'd want to know what you are training to do. Football player? Pickleball? Ballet? Olympic lifter? I'd then assess your current fitness with a wide range of tests. From there, we would start with some kind of foundation training to put your entire system in balance. 

If I was a fitness coach for dogs, I would do the same. What kind of job is this dog expected to perform? What kind of stress is this doing going to have to deal with? I'd want to look at the dog's body shape (conformation) and I'd want to see it move. From there, a plan could be developed. 

Most dogs are pets, and most owners aren't going to do athletic events with their pets. However, life can provide surprises to both and then it is game on: your dog falls in a lake; you have to run after your dog as she is chasing a rabbit that has run across the street; your hike has taken a bad turn, you are on a cliffside and you both have to crawl out of a bad situation. 

Or maybe it is just something much more... supposedly... bland, like you are going to play fetch or tug with your dog. 

Dogs get sports injuries all the time. Jumping off a couch and going splat. Sliding into a wall playing with the other dog in the home. Tripping and falling while jogging alongside someone. Ever had to take a dog to the vet because they came up limping from some kind of spill? I have. Last thing you want to hear is your dog has a permanent injury or needs expensive surgery, or both.

The better shape the dog is in, meaning all systems are running efficiently, the less likely that dog will be injured, and if injured, the faster the healing. Same with the owner. 

For many working dogs, the side effect of the work is that they get into shape. However, their vitals need to be monitored. For couch potato dogs, none of that is happening, and an owner can put their dog in a situation that the dog isn't prepared for, and something is going to break. Or the situation has become an emergency, and both the dog and owner aren't in great shape and the outcome isn't so pleasant.

Do you have a fitness plan for yourself and your dog? 

Plan accordingly. 

Tuesday, January 14, 2025

The How And Why Of Dog Behavior

When I am observing or diagnosing a dog behavior, I will inevitably try to answer two questions: 

1.) How does this behavior happen?

2.) Why does this behavior happen? 

The first question is about the immediate, or “proximate”, causes. What is the most direct information that leads to a conclusion as to how this incident happened. That is the Sherlock Holmes part of the job.

The second question is more philosophical, as in the philosophy of science. This is about why dogs do behaviors like that. What biological function does that behavior fulfill? 

The answers to these questions can be combined to diagnose the problem, as well as lead to a logical remedy. 

Having one question answered without the other isn’t going to be very fruitful. Just thinking that you can STOP the dog doing that behavior doesn’t mean your solution is going to work. 

While this two step concept sounds easy to apply, it takes many years to get good at it.

Plan accordingly. 


Should You Punish A Dog For Pottying In The House?


You aren't teaching the dog to not potty in the house, you are teaching the dog to not potty in front of YOU. 

That will backfire.

Plan accordingly. 

Owner Saves Dog From Icy Lake

Well, that's a good way for both of you to die. 

If you live near icy lakes... do you have preventative measures, and a way to save your dog if this happens? 

Plan accordingly 

Dogs And California Wildfires, Part 5

I'm guessing it isn't good for your dog to be breathing in all that cancer air from the fires in LA. 

Interesting... drive an electric car to save the planet, burn down the city to save the planet. 

What kind of idiots are running that place?

Plan accordingly. 

Dogs And California Wildfires, Part 4

As if things couldn’t get worse, as people are going back to see the charred remnants of their California homes, they will be facing two new challenges. 

First, even if their homes have been burned to a crisp, they still owe the full amount on their mortgage loans. They can’t just walk from the deal and let the lender foreclose. They will owe whatever the loan amount was plus any loan penalties and legal costs the bank assesses.

What does that have to do with having a dog? I would investigate bankruptcy protection to at least stall the foreclosure and costs. I don’t know bankruptcy law, but you still must live, and you still must feed your family… and your dog and find a new place to live. But, with your credit destroyed, and possibly your livelihood, you are in for a rough ride. Can you preserve enough income and cash to save your family?

Second… and this one is so repulsive it is hard to even imagine… the next challenge will be… squatters. Yep, these scavengers are about to descend on these vacant lots to claim them as their own. Now you owe on the mortgage loan, and you are either going to be treated as a landlord (and not paid any rent) or NOT the owner. You will be required by law to demolish the remaining structure. Good luck with that if someone is claiming they are a tenant or the rightful owner. I bet in CA you are required to provide alternative housing for tenants after a fire: how would you like to pay a squatter to rent somewhere else?  So, you’ll have the law on your tail for not letting them live in the lap of luxury for free. Then, these people are going to loot whatever is left of the remains. And lastly, you might lose your home completely because of the financial and legal mountains you are going to have to climb. What does this have to do with your dog? Once again, you will be financially destroyed if you don’t come up with a strategy. Maybe you should sign a lease with yourself to become your own squatter. Seriously. Ask your attorney how to stake your claim to you own home. Look into any government assistance; hire an attorney; contact your insurers; get identity theft protection. Furthermore, many pets were left behind. You had better get the permission to inspect your property before your pet is dead. I’ve seen a few videos of pets that were still alive, and the last thing you want is for some squatter to release them into that wasteland. Go save your property rights and your dog.

Those are my thoughts for today.

Plan accordingly.

Monday, January 13, 2025

Dogs And Associative Learning

What is the main difference between how I view puppy lessons and adult dog lessons? Here is my condensed version... (MORE)

Dogs And The Confidence Man

As I have mentioned, I read a lot of dog books when I started training dogs. I started with the local library (who does that anymore?). 

Looking back on it, quite a few of these authors were phonies. They never did see their promised results from the recommendations they made.

I am seeing the same symptoms as I look at the online programs offered by some of these social media dog training gurus. There’s no way that works, there's no way they understand what they are saying (it is Dog Gibberish and Dog Nonsense) and there is no way they are doing that stuff in their lessons in the real world for professional working dogs and getting results like the good trainers. It is just junk candy to sell to the masses. 

Plan accordingly.

Dogs And Guitars (Update)

 It arrived... (see previous post)

Dogs And Infrastructure Disasters

Is it any surprise the collapse of the façade that was California? Still clinging to their past image of sunshine, surf, fun, prosperity and innovation, they were able to allow everything to crumble into disrepair. Residents lived under the illusion that nothing was wrong, not seeing and doing anything about rampant crime, gridlock, woke social engineering on this and that, crumbling roads and bridges, gridlocking regulations, petty and intrusive laws on every little detail, homelessness, violence, abandoned businesses and buildings, closing restaurants and mom and pops, preening celebrities and politicians, smog, wildfires, floods, destruction of forests and national parks, petty fees, nothing works in government except to serve itself, high taxes but always running bigger and bigger deficits, and infiltration of society by criminal gangs. 

Now, nature has had a say. You can’t deny reality forever. Rome has fallen as Nero plays his fiddle. 

What does this have to do with dogs? Well, since this is a dog blog, I pay attention to what all this does to dogs. I wonder how many pets died screaming in pain as they were left behind as the fires raced through the LA neighborhoods. We know that rescues in the area are putting out appeals and shipping LA strays to other cities around the US. We also see that horses were left to die. And we know that wildlife was also either burnt to a crisp or had to flee in any way they could.

So, here’s my suggestion. IF you see these same signs where you live, it’s time to get out. Now. Slap yourself out of your delusions and go. Don’t be like Lot’s wife. Don’t end up like the people in LA… and I’m referring to all those non-celebrities whose lives are now destroyed and who don’t have any savings to fall back on. Your dog can’t do it for you. What city do I think is heading for the next giant disaster in the news?

Prediction: Seattle.

Prediction 2: San Francisco

Prediction 3: Chicago

QUIZ: What is a Potemkin Village?

Plan accordingly.

Sunday, January 12, 2025

Would You Get A Robot Dog?

So, the AI thing is humming along. We are seeing articles about these fake rubber women (UGH)... and now the robot dog. 

Pardon moi, there are plenty of real dogs, rescue dogs, lingering in shelters and foster homes that need a new family. Opinion: a robot dog will never be a substitute for a real dog, ever, in my world. I don't get the purpose of this Frankendog. Ever read the study of the Rhesus monkeys, one group with the fake wire mother and the other group with the fuzzy mother? What was the outcome; what were the conclusions? (HINT: It didn't go so well for the monkeys with the wire mother)

Read the article and let me know if you agree with me:  Robotic puppy, shown at electronics trade show, seen as boon for mental health

Training Hunting/ Sporting Dogs in Drive

I enjoy training the “sporting” hunting breeds, such as Spaniels, Setters, Retrievers, and Pointers. If the dog has any kind of prey drive, and is otherwise healthy and properly socialized, they are tremendous.

My primary approach, when training any dog, is to discover their best expression of prey and pack drives. I can then use motivation and those drives to make the most of that dog. I use very little correction in training any dog, and especially with dogs that have some talent.

I will stretch a dog as far as their talent allows… and as far as the owner will allow. What I mean by that is some owners carry baggage from previous training and are often too quick to resort to old methods of influence to crush the dogs. I counsel patience, however. The good dogs shine when you let them grow up normally and allow them to develop their talents. 

While I am not specifically a hunting dog trainer, I have laid the foundation for hunting dogs. For example, a few years ago I worked with a French pointer. The owner’s buddies wanted him to get an e-collar; I advised against that, and my recommendation paid off. We also never did work with birds, only hunting dummies. But when the owner took her hunting, she was spectacular. The work we did at home, which hunting dog trainers typically call “yard training”, was sufficient for her to work in a real hunting situation. The goal of the training wasn’t to make her into a hunting dog, but since I knew the husband wanted a dual use dog, we put in the necessary foundation.

I think the most underappreciated pet dogs are the Retrievers. They often get too much ham-handed pet dog training and never get to develop what they are capable of. Same with most of the pet Spaniels. Same with the Setters. I especially like Labs, great dogs. Goldens make excellent dogs, too. The Spaniels need an especially gentle hand, and same with the Setters. The talent can be there, but it has to be carefully curated. 

I wonder if many people realize what they have when they get one of the sporting breeds. If they were lucky enough, or purposeful enough, to get one with a good temperament, then so much can be done. They can be a joy to work with.

Dog Training Theory vs Real World

There are some big leaps that must be accomplished to take a concept and turn it into a real-world application for your dog. Here are the basic steps... (MORE)

Saturday, January 11, 2025

Is An Electric Collar A Communication Tool For Dog Training?

No, an electric collar is not a communication device for dog training. It has no such value, any more than if a dog has an itch. An itch isn't a communication. Nor is a burp. Nor is passing gas. Neither is a leash or collar of any type. Nor is a harness, a dog bed, or the wind blowing. 

Stop using this way of describing how dog tools work. 

What is “Communication”? Here is the Merriam-Webster’s definition: “a process by which information is exchanged between individuals through a common system of symbols, signs, or behavior; exchange of information.”

The difference matters.

If you still aren’t understanding: time to do some studying.

Plan accordingly.

Dogs And LA Fire Evacuations

As CA Governor, Caesar Flickerman, watches as LA burns, rescue organizations are already networking to get dogs out of LA into other shelters. 

Seattle Humane taking in 60 LA-area shelter pets due to 'unprecedented' wildfires

While I support and applaud these efforts, the rest of the US can’t save LA or California’s rescue dog problems. And Seattle is it’s own special kind of hell, so that isn’t going to be a long term solution, either. 

Municipal shelters are still operating like it was the 1980’s. They haven’t the type of business plan to deal with emergencies. Heaven forbid the Big One had happened in LA instead of these fires. There is no planning, no competent leadership in these cities, driven more by virtue signalling than competence. 

Plan accordingly. 

Dogs And California Wildfires, Part 3

If there was an emergency, do you have a "bug out" plan for you and your dog? 

Plan accordingly.

Friday, January 10, 2025

Dog Zoos

A trend I’ve been seeing over the past few years is the development of what I refer to as dog zoos. 

What started out as kennels with playgrounds turned into doggie daycares. Doggie daycares are now morphing into these zoos.

The first ones I heard about were overseas. They consist of giant facilities, almost like a dog Disneyland, with dogs running around and the people walking around getting services almost like they are on a cruise ship.

I understand that people want their dogs to have a full and good life, but these kinds of environments are not natural for the dogs. I don’t recommend doing things that are abnormal, and almost impossible, for most dogs to process. These will come to the US; maybe they are already here...

Plan accordingly. 

Thursday, January 09, 2025

Dogs And California Wildfires, Part 2

California fires: Think of the billions of cost… 1) not only the real estate, but cars, valuables… but also intangibles such as business projects that will never now happen; 2) people who lost jobs: gardeners, real estate agents, plumbers, gas station attendants, chefs, auto repair mechanics, etc.; 3) Lost property and income taxes to fund repairs; 4) Looting, and the empowerment of the gangs; 5) Loss of first responders and police who decide they don’t want any more of this. CA doesn’t have the money and surely won’t reimburse “the rich”. FEMA messed up in NC with Helene, so don’t expect a lot of help there any time soon. The preening politicians have promoted the illusion that since everything was going fine in the rich areas, they could ignore the squalor and broken-down infrastructure they caused. Is California coming to reality? They voted for this mess. There isn't enough money in the entire wealth of the US to fix stupid.

An exodus is coming. That will drive up housing and other costs wherever these people land. And there must be an immediate need for dog rescue in LA. I see articles showing horses left behind, too. Hopefully they don’t bring “California” to your town, or you’ll suffer the same fate one day.

Plan accordingly.

Wednesday, January 08, 2025

Dog Trainer X Has Trained Over 10,000 Dogs

These claims are everywhere and are to be found in new media and even in old publications (there's nothing new under the sun, eh?): online websites, blogs, videos, social media, newspaper articles, interviews, magazines, and in books (have I left anything out?). I had an old dog training book I purchased about 30 years ago that claimed the author had trained something like 40,000 dogs.

Online Trainers: If someone sells a video, or posts stuff online for free like a podcast, can they then honestly claim that THEY trained thousands of dogs because someone purchased or watched their stuff? I guess the truth is in the eye of the beholder. 

Alternate Scenarios: group classes (usually at least a year to get a meaningful AKC title ribbon); disability /service dogs (5 to 6 months for just one dog); police dogs (4 to 6 months for just one dog); competition dogs (usually at least a year); hunting dogs (usually at least 6 months); etc... crunch the numbers. Is that 10,000 (or you pick the number) dogs trained over X number of years a real number? I just don't think I've met anyone who has trained that many dogs, personally, to any competent level. 

When I see someone claim they are the world's best, top, wonder, master trainer guru who has trained 10,000 dogs (or whatever giant number is in their sales materials)... well, those kinds of claims put me on guard, at the very least.

Plan accordingly. 

Dogs And California Wildfires

Horrible, just horrible. These wildfires are just devastating for everyone involved. 

Could you efficiently evacuate your dogs from your property in case of a disaster, like a wild fire?

If not...

Plan accordingly. 

What Do You Do With Your Dog During Your Free Time?

The flip side of less dining out is more eating alone. The share of U.S. adults having dinner or drinks with friends on any given night has declined by more than 30 percent in the past 20 years. “There’s an isolationist dynamic that’s taking place in the restaurant business,” the Washington, D.C., restaurateur Steve Salis told me. “I think people feel uncomfortable in the world today. They’ve decided that their home is their sanctuary. It’s not easy to get them to leave.” Even when Americans eat at restaurants, they are much more likely to do so by themselves. According to data gathered by the online reservations platform OpenTable, solo dining has increased by 29 percent in just the past two years. The No. 1 reason is the need for more “me time.”


That is a LOT more alone time. I can verify that more of my students report that they don’t have many, or any, guests. They also report they aren’t going out, and some no longer are taking vacations, going to movies or the theater, shopping malls, public concerts and mass gatherings, or going to see friends or family. 


That puts a bigger burden on the home dog. That dog needs to be better behaved and adapted to this kind of homebody lifestyle. I also do all I can to encourage people to get their dogs out of the home. All that isolation isn’t good for most dogs.

Plan accordingly.

Dogs And The Bourne Identity

The government just declassified 20 more documents regarding their MKUltra Program. This type of experimentation is the basis for the Bourne Identity movie concept, that you could split a person into two, with one personality not knowing what the other was doing. In other words, creating a method that was analogous to someone with split personality disorder. But on purpose. Then you could aim one of the personalities to do clandestine work, or break someone and destroy them as an individual, or create the super spy or super soldier. While the MKUltra program was officially dismantled after the Watergate era, there is no way this work was discontinued. It was just buried. There are still efforts being made to get the same results. Hint: it won't be long before they put a computer "chip" in soldier's brains.

What does this have to do with dogs? A lot of fundamental research on these concepts has come out of experiments on dogs. The early work on breaking down a dog led later to this kind of research, and then torture, on humans. It is hard to read these old experiments on dogs and what it did to them. It is also not all that hard to extrapolate how it could be applied, or has been applied, to humans.

We are already in the Brave New World.

Plan accordingly.

Dogs And Verbal Judo

Not every person needs to pet your dog. Not every dog needs to meet your dog. Not every kid needs to hug your dog. 

Not everyone has good intentions. Not everyone is good with dogs. Not every dog is going to be good with your dog. 

Do you have an idea how to de-escalate or get out of such encounters? 

Plan accordingly.