Monday, January 08, 2007

Stupid Advice?

Usually most articles on managing dogs are OK... for the most part. But, here is another sensational article about dangerous dogs. The article describes things that define what a responsible dog owner should do. Most are fine... but this one, if you take the article literally, is patently absurd. I wonder if this is just a typo or if the author really meant this:

As a responsible dog owner, it is important you take steps to avoid having a dog you cannot control that may be classed as dangerous, even on your own property...

Keep your dog away from visitors, preferably in a separate room


IF your dog is dangerous, then this good advice. But, if you have a friendly dog, like most people, this is just ignorance gone to seed. No point isolating friendly dogs! I wonder if this was intentional, or another overreaction by someone who knows nothing about dogs. AND how about advice like: HIRE A PROFESSIONAL DOG TRAINER, MOST OF THESE PROBLEMS ARE FIXABLE OR MANAGEABLE.


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