Enjoy yourselves!
By the way: 1.) Keep holiday foods away from dogs. Much of it can kill a dog, especially fatty things like the turkey skin; 2.) Watch escape points from the house so your dog doesn't run away; 3.) Protect your dog from guests and your guests from your dog.
Enjoy yourselves!
By the way: 1.) Keep holiday foods away from dogs. Much of it can kill a dog, especially fatty things like the turkey skin; 2.) Watch escape points from the house so your dog doesn't run away; 3.) Protect your dog from guests and your guests from your dog.
hello - I have some serious concerns about a 'ring' of Z-people at wikipedia. I raised concerns there, but a lot of bullying going on. If you have an email or some way of contacting you PLEASE let me know. Just a bit of moral support would do!
On second thought, why not my Wikipedia page.
If you don't know how to edit, leave message here. Thanks
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