Wednesday, February 26, 2025

Happy, Animated Dogs

There is nothing wrong with a happy, animated dog, regardless of size, age or breed. 

I don’t condone the idea of forcing “calmness” on all dogs or diagnosing the above as some kind of behavioral problem and calling it “anxiety”. 

Ever see a group of small kids playing, running around, having a good time? Do we force “calmness” on them? Is all that fun a sign of a behavioral disturbance, such as “anxiety”? 

And what of the parent that forces immobility on a child, or a forced run, every time that child is happy and excited? 

No wild animal does to their offspring what some advocate for your puppies or dogs. The problem isn’t a problem with the dogs, that is for sure.

No one needs you to be the Fun Police.

Re-think all this stuff.

Why would a trainer promote a program that emphasized "calmness"? BECAUSE THEY DON'T KNOW WHAT ELSE TO DO OTHER THAN SHUT THE DOG DOWN.

Plan accordingly. 

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