Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Keep Pets Off Christmas Wish List

ANIMAL welfare campaigners today urged people not to give animals as gifts over the festive period.

The Scottish SPCA has launched its seasonal campaign requesting the public not to give puppies, kittens or other young animals as Christmas presents.

It says many of them become next year's victims of neglect, cruelty or abandonment and dog and cat homes are overwhelmed with unwanted animals by January.

I think that you shouldn’t ever get a dog as a present for someone else, unless that dog is also going to be your pet.

I don’t think that you should buy dogs for holiday presents because you can’t think of anything better to get someone.

I think that dog ownership entails a great deal of responsibility, and the person receiving the pet should have expressed a serious interest and consent to getting a pet from you. And if you get them a pet, they should be the one to deal directly with the breeder to finalize the details.

And I don’t think breeders should sell dogs as presents. They should deal directly with the person who will own and care for the pet.

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