Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Do You Need A Watchdog?

We live in crazy times, right? Not really. Times have always been crazy. People are people and a percentage of people are unsafe to be around. In my life, I try to stay away from troubled people who do, or advocate for, or believe in extreme responses to normal things. We have all made mistakes in life, giving these people more leeway than we should have, or not seeing the potential dangers they intend, or not knowing their history. Some people are good actors, and they can sometimes fool an unsuspecting innocent person into letting them into their lives and homes. Sometimes, a dog can alert you out of your complacency, letting you know that not everything is right about a person. Many dogs can sense that kind of thing... (MORE)

Sunday, September 15, 2024

Real World Dog Obedience

What is the difference between classroom dog obedience and real-world dog obedience?

Yesterday, I was working with a student who has a service dog puppy in training. We were at a public location, for the first time. What seemed like a simple concept turned out to be harder than she expected. She made mistakes, so did her dog. That was a good thing. She was pretty tired and told me she didn’t realize how much more work it was taking a service dog in public compared to just walking her other dog... (MORE)

Thursday, September 12, 2024

Managing Dogs In Groups

 It is essential dog owners manage their dogs when with other dogs... 

Dogs and Physical Fitness

 I'm seeing a lot of out of shape dogs lately... 

Thursday, September 05, 2024

Do Good Dog Trainers Successfully Use Focused Intimidation To Fix Behavioral Problems?

Many TV and social media training gurus advocate purposeful and focused intimidation, coercion, and other negative influences to attempt to fix dogs. Is that OK and does it work? (MORE

Tuesday, September 03, 2024

An Example Of Teaching A Dog Skills

I was hired a few years ago to train a young female pointer. She was about a year old when the husband took her out with his friends and their dogs to go bird hunting. The outcome was less than ideal. She ran all over the place, never found and pointed a bird, she wouldn’t Come when called, never retrieved a bird, and it took him nearly 45 minutes to get her back into the truck because she was afraid of being in a crate. His friends told him to get an electric collar... (MORE

Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Happy Dog Discovery

A happy dog is easier in every way. That is why I make happiness a priority in all my dog training programs... (MORE)

Monday, August 26, 2024

Dogs And Night Terrors

I have encountered and worked with dogs which exhibit abnormal behaviors at night. Here are some examples... (MORE

Friday, August 23, 2024

Dog Training And Unexpected Emergencies

Many people don’t understand why we train dogs. For some, they just think it is a bunch of tricks, and just want a dog that will Sit and Come. To me, and my students, there is a lot more to it than that... (MORE

Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Tough Love Dog Training Advice

There are times I must tell students that what they are doing is causing more harm than good. Sometimes that is taken in good spirit, and other times… well that is what this article is about... (HERE)

Saturday, July 27, 2024

Dogs That Shut Down

I’m currently working with a dog that has been shutting down during lessons. This was one of the issues I was hired to address... (MORE

Thursday, July 25, 2024

Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Monday, July 22, 2024

Both Can’t Be True

 A dog owner’s mindset can be a roadblock for making gains in training. I have heard many new students tell me that their dog “knows” this or that. Or they say that their dog doesn’t need to learn this or that. And then, right after that, they are describing situations where the dog doesn’t know this or that. What’s that all about? (MORE)

Lifetime Dog Training Fundamentals Series

As I write this article, it is now the peak heat part of summer in Arizona. Every year, at this time, I encourage all my students to learn and practice my Lifetime Fundamentals Series (back to basics). These are the crucial skills and habits for both the dogs and owners that are taught and practiced in a slow, methodical system. 

Every top professional has a set of fundamental skills that are the basis for whatever else they do. I meet a lot of people, so I recently had the opportunity to speak with a soldier who does top level fighting for the US military. I asked him, “how often do you practice your fundamentals?” His answer? “Every day.” Think about that, this man does the most advanced types of operations, but he still practices his fundamentals every day. Yet… do we know what the fundamental skills are for our dogs and for ourselves? Most people don’t have any idea, no purpose, no motivation, no plan... (MORE