Sunday, September 29, 2024

Another Rover Dog Tragedy

"Pugslee had been brutally attacked and killed by the pet sitter’s own dog"

As a general rule, I would prefer to not have a pet sitter have their dogs, kids, friend, spouses or anyone else interact with my student's dogs. I think when you hire a pet sitter, you are hiring them to work with your dog, period. The safest way is to keep them separate from others while the owners are away. I understand why some pet sitters take customer dogs into their own homes, however, that is possibly going to be for the convenience of the sitter, not for the benefit of the customer. 

Most pet sitters are not going to be animal behavior experts. I don't expect them to be, and I don't think they should be putting unfamiliar dogs together. I just want them to feed, water, potty, clean up the yard, safely play with, exercise, and supervise the dogs until the owner is back home.

I don't know what happened here. We don't have enough information from the article. However, my opinion on how to manage dogs with pet sitters is the same as above. 

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