Sunday, September 29, 2024

What Kind Of Dog Should I Get?

I am asked what kind of dog is best for a first time dog owner. 

There are lots of videos online saying "this is the best breed for" you. Many of these posts are made by dog trainers, but a lot of the advice is worthless for the newbie. Here's my advice...

Get a social dog. Get a dog that is friendly with everyone and every animal. I'm less concerned with breed, or a mix, for a new owner. They will sort their preferences out as they go out looking for that new family member. 

The hardest cases are first time dog owners who have gotten in over their heads with specialty breeds that are not known for being social. That one obstacle to a happy experience can make them decide to do harsh things to try and fix responses that they don't understand, to neglect the dog's proper socialization, to give the dog away, or to endanger others and not know the seriousness of what they are doing. 

Rescues should screen out newbies and only adopt out to them the most friendly dogs in their care. Breeders should turn away newbies who aren't prepared for dogs that were bred to be suspicious of strangers and other animals. These suspicious types of dogs are better for people who have already successfully owned their first dog. Much of the groundwork of learning can be accomplished with a friendly first dog. Then on subsequent dogs, it will be easier to add additional skills. 

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