Friday, September 27, 2024

Dog Left On Balcony Dies Of Heat Stroke

"Dog left on apartment balcony in Pleasanton dies from heat stroke"

This isn't the first time I've seen a story like this in the news. 

I'm going to speculate on why these incidents happen. I think the primary reason is that these are dogs that are either not house trained, or are destructive in the home (possibly suffering from separation anxiety). In the article, the preliminary investigation says that this "was not intentional", which leads me to think that the owner didn't realize the dog was on the porch before closing the door and leaving the unit. 

Dog trainers can help fix house training and separation anxiety. A porch isn't appropriate confinement for any dog. 

If it was a mistake, let me tell you what I do before I leave home... I have a memorized checklist. I walk the house from room to room and confirm if windows are locked, electronics are off, things are put away, water bowls full, some doors closed, appropriate toys put out, gates closed and locked, lights either on or off, etc. I do this every time. I got this idea from listening to how pilots run checklists before they take off. By having a checklist, and doing it exactly the same way every time, you lessen the risk of something going wrong. 

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