Monday, January 14, 2019

Dog Training Scammers

I've been around dog training for a long time. I've seen a lot of things, met a lot of dogs, trained a lot of people. There is one type of person that I have come to understand very well... the dog training scammer...

These are they types that call me to an appointment, then say that they are not yet ready to start training but have a few more questions. OK...

How would you do this? How would you train my dog to do that? And so on.

They aren't interviewing me, they are looking to get free training. They are scammers. They never end up hiring me.

I think there are people out there that are brought up to be thieves. Somehow in their upbringing, they are taught that it is OK to steal, to scam people. It is actually a very strange phenomenon if you are someone who never steals.

Anyway, no harm no foul. I had one of these a few days ago, spotted it right away, and got out of there after a minimal amount of minutes. In the old days, I would try to get the appointment, thinking they were real students. But, it didn't take long to figure out the game. And it is a game. You can see it in their questions, their faces, everything. It is a scam.

If anything, I feel sorry for the dog that won't get trained. And I am not happy that my time was wasted on them instead of someone who really cared more about their dog than saving a few bucks.

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