Tuesday, January 01, 2019

Happy New Year!!

I recommend setting training and socialization goals for each of your dogs for 2019.

First, it is time to clean up any behavioral and emotional issues. Afraid of fireworks? Fearful of strangers? Reactive to other dogs? Separation anxiety? Jumping on guests?

Second, if your dog hasn't completed Basic Obedience, then let's get that accomplished in 2019. If you've already done that, then consider Intermediate Obedience. After that, how about Advanced Obedience.

Third, how about other things that can use work... such as... teaching your dog to swim. Getting your dog ready for hiking. Getting your dog ready for your vacation.

Lastly, maybe it is time to consider training your dog to be a therapy dog. Your dog is social with people and other animals? That is the foundation, and we'll work from there.

You can have a lot more enjoyment... and so can your dog... if you plan on it being that way in 2019!

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