Wednesday, January 15, 2025

Dogs And California Wildfires (Part 6)

Do you really think it will be safe for you and your dog to be hanging around the devastation after these fires are put out in LA? Ground water, air, dust, building waste... all contaminated. Construction workers will be exposed, too. And where does all that toxic waste go? Do the surrounding communities want that dust floating over their homes during the cleanup? 

The entire area is a hazardous waste pit. Remember what happened to the victims and first responders after the Twin Towers fell on 9/11... lots died young because of hazardous waste exposure. 

Those search dogs and teams scouring the remains there aren't safe. They are doing valuable work, but we will hear later of the cost. Same thing happened to the dog teams after 9/11.

Look at what people are facing there…

So, do you stay or do you go? And where is the rescue money going to go? To the residents? Or to special interests? Knowing California, it won’t be to the residents. Knowing the politics, the preening politicians will keep fiddling as Rome burns. Citizens are going to be left dangling. $250 billion in losses so far, and still counting… 

If you have relatives in CA, you might just want to discuss an escape plan for them. The worst is yet to come. I predict social unrest, and long term health and psychological problems: that is no place to be with your dog. And if you are part of those search and rescue teams, I respect the work you are doing... 

Plan accordingly. 

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