Monday, January 06, 2025

Dogs And Type C Drive

In this third article on Drive Types, I will begin the discussion of what I call Type C Drives. In previous articles, I have been explaining how I have decided to define Drive: “I’ve had to choose to organize the different definitions of drive into 3 categories: a motivation like hunger as Type A Drive, play as Type B Drive, and the classical set of these behaviors (Sex; Prey; Defensive; and Pack) as Class C Drive.” This was done because it was about time to make sense of the misuse of the term Drive, and to compensate for how it is used in various ways in various studies and books since there is no way to re-write every study to make clarifications. By making these distinctions, I find it is easier to explain, discuss, and implement practical training and behavior modification. Someone needed to take this step.

A Drive is kind of like an engine. It helps the car move... (MORE)

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