Friday, January 17, 2025

Dogs And Tug Of War

Is it OK to play tug of war with your puppy? 

Yes, it is ok. In the hands of someone who knows what they are doing, there are a lot of great things that can later grow out of tug... Fetch, Search, Drop It, and a whole lot more. 

Many working dogs are rewarded with tug, starting as little puppies. 

(Armin Winkler doing tug work with a jute bite sleeve cover with my dog, Dillon, back around 2000)

I recommend laying the foundation early. Many things can enhance a dog's ultimate talent if you start them early and properly. 

You can also hurt a puppy if you play it roughly or in the wrong way. Yanking it away can cause the loss of a tooth or dislocation of a jaw. I've seen both. It's a game, keep it that way.

Does a play game of tug make a dog aggressive? No. Is the growling of a puppy a sign of aggression? No. It is a sign of play. But, if you aren't sure, then get someone to show you what is the right way and wrong way. 

Plan accordingly.

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