Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Rover: Dog Allegedly Drowns

'What do you mean you're sorry?': Man wants answers after pet died while in care of sitter hired on Rover

A lot needs to be arranged, discussed and planned when hiring a pet sitter. I am wondering if more formal training should be offered by these online services to prevent accidents. I don’t know the factual specifics of this case, but something went seriously wrong. Read the article.

Monday, October 14, 2024

Dog Walker Trampled By Cows

A young woman trampled to death by cows took a photograph of the herd and sent it to her mother before she was found critically injured, an inquest heard.

If you take your dog for a walk in an area with cattle, you are in danger if they are not behind a fence. They see your dog as a threat, as a predator, and will act accordingly to protect themselves. Many people don’t know that. In AZ, there are cattle on BLM range land, and it is dangerous to hike with your dog in those areas. 

Plan accordingly… 

The State Of The Economy And Dog Adoptions

Those who have experienced job or home loss and can no longer financially support their dogs face a lack of alternatives when it comes to surrendering their pets, leading them to frequently release them to roam freely. When dog owners who employ cruel training methods or engage in illicit breeding cannot find purchasers for their puppies, they often choose to abandon them.

If you are deeply involved in animal welfare, then you should make yourself deeply aware of the economics of pet ownership and animal welfare. National and local economic trends play a significant role in adoptions and pet retention. 

Regarding the meat of the linked article, I don't think you can use selective euthanasia to solve municipal shelter overcrowding issues. Instead, they should be privatized. Microeconomics add up to macroeconomics. All inefficiencies along the supply chain need to be eliminated. 

Letting Dogs Be Dogs... Not Kids

Americans have been shelling out more money for their furry friends over the past decade. The Bureau of Labor Statistics reported pet expenditures increased by 77.9% from 2013 to 2021.

Dogs are sometimes referred as the new kids. While I think it is great to own a dog, I think there is something wrong with society when it promotes the idea that a dog is the same as having a child. Dogs are dogs, great pets, every good family should consider having one. But they aren’t kids. Shouldn’t be treated as kids. Shouldn’t be placed in a role in the family as a child. It’s OK for a dog to be a dog. If you want a child, there are options for many... including adoption. Let's not confuse the two, regardless of how much we love our dogs.

Dog Attacks Child, Could You Stop It?

Witnesses reportedly tried to stop the dogs with clubs but were unsuccessful. The neighbor then used his gun to shoot the dog twice, killing it.

The dogs attacked and killed the owner’s child. The stimulus for the fight wasn’t determined in the article. Often these cases are a result of getting into the middle of a dog fight, food guarding, pain stimulus, or some kind of teasing. But there can be other causes. You need to know your dogs before letting your dogs play alone with your child.

Setting that aside, note that sometimes you need to take extreme measures to stop a dog attack. I have spoken to people who were attacked by dogs, and they are traumatized that they were helpless to stop the attack. Sometimes, you can’t. You need the help of others and sometimes the only solution is to end the life of the dog. 

Plan accordingly… 

Sunday, October 13, 2024

Pheasant Hunting In South Dakota

“What’s going to surprise people about hunting in South Dakota is just the number of birds that you are going to see, the amount of wildlife you are going to see, the amount of wildlife you’re going to see out in the field. It’s a great way to exercise. If you have dogs, you get to watch the dogs’ work. If not, you can boot-hunt and still have a great time. However, you like to pheasant hunt, however, you like to hit the field, you can do it here in South Dakota. I think that’s what makes hunting here so special.”


I’m fascinated by hunting dogs. I have considered getting a pointer and learning how to bird hunt. I’m also a fan of the Dakotas. Amazing part of the country. 

Aurora CO To Vote On Repealing Pit Bull Ban

Taylor has also argued that breed banning has not been shown to work, and will only cause more issues in the long run.

It is about time this ban is repealed. It is nonsense to ban dog breeds. Normal people can raise and manage any dog breed. Bad people will do bad regardless of the laws. 

Wolf Attacks On Children

During the summer, two children were attacked near the city of Utrecht by a wolf displaying 'disturbing' behaviour. One of the children was bitten, and another was knocked over by the wolf.

I’ve been warning about this for years. In Yellowstone, the rule is to keep 100 yards minimum distance from wolves. As wolves are desensitized to being near human habitations, there will be deadly confrontations, and it won't just be over them eating pets and livestock. Just like with bears, they need to be managed and the public needs to better understand how to coexist. A fed bear is a dead bear. And I think the same is coming with the introduction of wolves to the West. I think we will hear that a fed wolf is a dead wolf. Wildlife officers will be sent out to dispatch dangerous wolves, and residents are going to have to take self defensive precautions. We are going to find out that they are not just benign creatures. They are formidable predators, like wolves and bears, and deserve the respect of that status.


This entire wolf thing has not been well thought out and the public isn’t aware or prepared for what is coming. More conflicts are coming. 

Would Your Dog Vote For Trump Or Harris?

 Dogs don't vote, silly 

Saturday, October 12, 2024

My Dog Doesn't ____ ...

Don't be upset at your dog for the work you didn't do with your dog. 

Dog Stolen From Backyard

The Wilmette resident told police she let Leon outside in the backyard of her home for a bathroom break, then left to attend a parents' night at her daughter's school.


What can I say? You can’t leave dogs like this alone in the yard. They are theft magnets. This is especially true as we approach the holidays. Your dog is at extra risk from now until New Years.


I’m guessing the dog was left outside because the dog isn’t house trained. That isn’t unusual. 

"Packs Of Coyotes Roam Arcadia AZ Neighborhood"

Neighbors said packs of coyotes have taken over their Arcadia neighborhood near Indian School Road and 56th Street. It started just a few months ago and while they've seen coyotes before, they claim it's never been this many.


This is a valid concern in AZ. People live in homes directly adjacent to the desert. Coyotes (and other predators such as bobcats) are incredibly athletic and able to scale fences and walls to get at pets. 


There are a few things you can do and can’t do with regards to wild animals. Fish and game departments in every state will give you ideas. Generally, you can harass wildlife on your property, but many species are protected, and you often can’t legally use lethal methods. Ask about ways to run them off.


It is important to walk around your premises and see what kinds of vulnerabilities you have. How high are your walls and fences? Are they in good condition? Are you leaving out things that would be attractive to a predator, such as dog toys (chewables such as bully sticks, etc.)? Are you cleaning up feces? Are you leaving water and food bowls outside? Are you leaving edibles in open containers? Doggie doors are a risk; I'm not a fan of them. Coyotes and other predators have been known to enter homes and do their dastardly deeds. 


Lastly, it is important to supervise your pets, especially if you have a large yard with places to hide. The smaller the dog, the more vulnerable. But even big dogs have been attacked. Two or more coyotes are more than a match for most pets, regardless of breed. There are some breeds that were developed to dispatch predators, but most people won’t have dogs that were specifically bred and proven to do this. Just because you have a Great Pyrenees doesn’t mean your dog has the genetics to do the job.


I’m surprised the number of people I speak to that blow off my warnings about predators. It is better to be prepared than in grief because you could have done something and didn’t.

Friday, October 11, 2024

More: LA Shelters Are In Crisis

The issues driving the shelter crisis are diverse—from insufficient spay and neuter services to a lack of pet-inclusive housing and affordability issues. 

"Lack of housing and affordability issues," huh.

In other words, the economy is crushing LA shelters. Inflation is the symptom of government mismanagement of the economy, and our pets are suffering and worse as a result. 

“Dogs in L.A. shelters being euthanized at historic rate”

Want to know why shelters are full across the country and why euthanasia rates are so high? 

It’s this terrible economy. I see article after article about the cost of living and people having to relinquish their pets. The government can’t keep spending and printing money without a corresponding increase in productivity and goods. Real incomes are falling, everything has gotten more expensive, and rescues are going under, and the shelters are full. It doesn’t matter if you do more spay/ neuter if the public can’t afford to reimburse the cost of owning these pets. This isn't a problem with backyard breeding, either. Most people are living paycheck to paycheck, they are loading up their credit cards to pay for essential needs, and employment isn't what it used to be. The nation is in crisis.

I remember what happened during the Great Recession. The carnage in the shelters was horrible, and we are seeing the same thing now. We are heading towards a recession, and we are living in a bubble economy that is artificially being held aloft by unsustainable government mismanagement, both monetary and fiscal.

If you love pets, then you’ll pay more attention to economics, real economics like what is taught in college. Government is crowding out private enterprise in a thousand different ways. Don’t tell me you are an animal welfare advocate and you ignore the forces that are causing this dog holocaust.

“It's the economy, stupid.”

Pepper Spray And Dog Attacks

They (the police) tried to ward off the three dogs by using pepper spray, but when the attack did not abate, they shot the dogs dead.

 This is an important detail… whether you are fending off dogs or a grizzly bear, pepper spray doesn’t always work. Prepare accordingly… 

Pokadot: French Bulldog X Dalmatian; You Can, But Should You?

Hemming, a 41-year-old from Edinburgh, Scotland, said the creation from his “Pokadot” factory is the future of his new breed: Pokadot Frenchie. 

 Just because you can create a new dog breed or variety, should you? I have trained a lot of French Bulldogs. I’ve trained a lot of Dalmatians. I don’t see how these two breeds mesh. The temperaments are a clash, and my guess is that this dog will not only have health problems, but it will also have temperament problems. 


AKC Breed Standards:


French Bulldog: “Temperament: Well behaved, adaptable, and comfortable companions with an affectionate nature and even disposition; generally active, alert, and playful, but not unduly boisterous.”


Dalmatian: “Temperament: Temperament is stable and outgoing, yet dignified. Shyness is a major fault.”


What is the benefit of this cross? FB’s were bred to be companion dogs. Dals were bred to do a variety of tasks, but never specialized in any specific field: guard dog; ratter; hunter; and to fight dogs that would attack carriage horses, such as horses pulling a fire truck. They are supposed to be aloof with strangers, but I find Dals tend towards being shy, and that must be carefully weeded out in every litter used for breeding. What is the resulting cross going to be like? I don't think people will want a FB that has the traits of a Dal. And can you trust the creator of this breed to have done a good job?


Regarding the resulting color… Breed standards are there to weed out problems. Color and coat type can be linked to temperament and health, good or bad. We don’t know what this cross will do either. 


Breed creation should be good for the dog and good for the owner. I’m not convinced that this cross will accomplish either. Time will tell. I would not be the first person to own this cross; I would not want to be burned, and I wouldn’t want to encourage something that might be harmful to a dog.

Thursday, October 10, 2024

10 Pit Bull Type Dogs Kill NY Man

“We’re still trying to determine why the victim was in the rear of the residence, we’re still trying to figure out why the owner of the dogs kept so many dogs at that location,” Hawkins said.


I notice few issues here that I would like more information about. 


First, is understanding what set up this tragedy of 10 dogs ganging up on someone off their home property. My belief: never let your dogs get to someone without your knowledge. Even friendly dogs can turn into something else in a group that large. That means inspecting and validating your fencing, gates, yard, and supervision rules. These dogs somehow got into the neighbor’s yard. It is not clear to me how. No one is going to likely survive an attack by 10 dogs, regardless of the trigger and circumstances.


Second, the dogs were housed at an alleged “drug house”. I go a lot of places and see a lot of things because I do private lessons in people’s homes. I sometimes also hear stuff from people. I remember several years ago doing an outdoor lesson at night. We were working on teaching this dog to not pull on a leash. About a block or so away from my student’s home, I smelled something chemical and terrible. She said that down a cul-de-sac, there was a drug house, and what I was smelling was them brewing illegal drugs. I was in another neighborhood, in another situation, where people were afraid to come to the door. Down the end of the street was a neighborhood park. Some kid had been killed there, and there was a known drug house on the far side. Cars and people were coming and going at all times of the day, almost like a gas station and people were waiting their turn at the park benches. Bad stuff can happen in those locations, and you can be harmed in any number of ways, including this kind of situation. No way was I going to do a dog lesson in that park. Not always can or will law enforcement help, so you either need to stay away or move away. I’ve stopped training dogs in some parks when I see shady people doing shady things. Sometimes my gut feeling is validated by some bad story in the news later.


Third, the article says that 9 adult and 15 puppies were removed by authorities. That is way too many dogs for an alleged “drug house.” In my experience, dogs like this are bred for money and protection. Plus, adult dogs are going to be more protective of the area if they have puppies. Good breeders can have that many dogs and not have any problems. My guess is that this will not turn out to be a “good breeder.”


I always recommend paying attention to things that seem out of the normal. A lot of things here would probably been clues of danger to me if I had sensed or been aware of them. Who knows what the victim did or didn’t know, however. That doesn’t automatically make him responsible for what happened. The police are trying to sort out more details, so the article is insufficient to really know what happened and why. I look at stories like this to extract life lessons that I can pass on to my students. Let’s see what develops. 

Dog Fates After Owner Arrest?

The dog’s whereabouts were also unknown after it ran off during the suspect’s detainment.

One type of unnamed victim of an arrest is the dog that is left behind. In this story, the dog ran away after the suspect was taken into custody. A similar type of problem is the dog left behind after a medical emergency. 911 shows up, the person is taken away in an ambulance, and the dog is left behind. 

For the dog, these situations are going to be very traumatic. The dog has witnessed something bad and that is going to most likely traumatize that dog.

I had a student that had a a medical emergency like this. When he finally came home, the dog was now very suspicious of strangers in the home. Prior to that event, the dog was a happy go lucky pit bull. 

I don’t have any practical tips for first responders regarding the dogs. Maybe there should be rescue groups which are contacted to check up on the dog? Or in this case, to see if the dog returns and can be captured and fostered. 

Wednesday, October 09, 2024

Dogs And Troubled Relationships

More than a few times, I've consulted with a dog owner that is getting demands that they get rid of their dog. And many times, the problem is that the owner is in a troubled relationship with someone they live with. 


I spoke with someone several years ago with this exact problem. His dogs were fighting because he was fighting (arguing) with his live-in girlfriend and her daughters. They would do things around his dogs that would stimulate two of the dogs into fights. It was a troubled home. They vented a lot of this by blaming his dogs. It wasn’t the dogs; it was his troubled relationships. They wanted him to put the down or get rid of them. He told me he had considered ending his life over it. Yeah, it was that bad. I told him it wasn’t his job to make other people happy, and especially not doing it by harming himself or his dogs. I told him that I’d dump the girlfriend and keep the dogs. He did, and the problems went away and so did the dog fights. 


My advice: stay away from troubled people. You can’t fix them. They are going to be bad for you and for your dogs. There are a lot of unhinged people in this world, but that isn’t everyone. Find the good ones and dump the neurotic ones. 

** Sometimes the problem is the owner, and sometimes the problem is the dogs, but that isn't what this article is about. More about this other stuff later.

Hurricane Update: Dog Tied To Tree Rescued

This poor dog was tied to a tree... 

Protecting Animals During A Hurricane Disaster

As Milton approaches Florida, animals at zoos and aquariums are being protected, including this giraffe that was moved to a barn at ZooTampa that is rated to withstand hurricane-force winds.

If you have animals, and especially if you have a lot of them, you need a pre-planned disaster plan. I would bet most animal shelters lack any such planning. 

DOG PPL Canine Social Club: Members-only Canine Club

Members-only canine club coming to NYC touts DJs, cocktails and could cost $1,400 a year — right next to a free dog park

 OK. That might be good. Maybe not. This kind of environment might end up being too stressful for the dogs. We ask a lot of dogs these days, this might be stress on steroids for many dogs. 


If I ever visit one, I’ll give you my verdict. For now, I’m agnostic on the concept… 

Drew Barrymore and Dave Bautista Volunteer With ASPCA

The celebrity rescue dog parents have teamed up with the ASPCA to help rescue pups find homes through social media

 I wish more celebrities would do efforts like this. It is difficult, however, to get past the celebrity gatekeepers to ask them if they would like to help out with this or that charity or charity event. Usually you get back… nothing. Silence. 


I’d have more respect for them for these kinds of efforts rather than popping up near elections and hearing them speak out pre-prepared scripts advocating for this or that candidate or issue. 

Tuesday, October 08, 2024

Follow Up: Dog Attacks 1 Year Old Child

So here is the follow up to the story about the dogs that attacked the 1-year-old child, Jiryiah Johnson. 

As a warning: everyone is innocent until proven guilty; these articles are allegedly telling the whole truth clearly about the situation, or a re-reading of the articles might reveal more details, so that’s all we must go on so far; you will need to dig, do your own homework, and verify what you find if you want even more details and perspective. If you want facts, then talk to the parties involved. The child is now dead. It is not your job to pile on and somehow make the situation worse.

Here’s my preliminary perspective from the linked articles and the previous articles I've read:

1. The dogs were aggressive in some way. A previous article stated that the dogs had been somehow deemed, prior to this incident, as being dangerous by the authorities

2. The owner of the dogs, the 36-year-old babysitter, knew or suspected the dogs had behavioral problems, or there was some other reason to want the dogs kept separate from the 1-year-old child

3. The child’s mother either knew the dogs had behavioral problems or didn’t know. The linked articles seem to conflict. The first article seems to indicate there was some kind of understanding, and the second article seems to indicate the opposite. 

4. There was some kind of attempt to keep the dogs the dogs away, maybe locked, from the child

5. The 36-year-old babysitter was called into work, and the child was left in the care of her 13-year-old daughter

6. The dogs were being kept in a bedroom

7. Somehow the dogs got out of the bedroom, and there might be indications the dogs had either gotten out of that bedroom before or during the incident

8. Once the dogs got out of the bedroom, they attacked the child and 13-year-old. 

9. The 13-year-old fought with the dogs for several minutes, and was chased around the home by the dogs as she tried to escape with the child in her arms

10. The 36-year-old babysitter “faces felony charges of causing serious bodily injury to a child by omission.” There might be additional charges related to the injury(ies) to the 13-year-old daughter. These are grave charges.


1. Mother of baby boy mauled to death by dogs opens up about attack

2. BCSO Sheriff says 1-year-old killed by dogs left alone with 13-year-old


1. My sisters babysat kids at 13 years of age with no problem. I don’t think it is unreasonable for a 13-year-old to babysit a 1-year-old child.

2. There should be a clear understanding between a parent and a babysitter regarding the care of the child, and what to do if something unexpected crops up

3. Parents should interview anyone who is about to babysit their kids, including meeting anyone who would be in the home other than the babysitter who might do any of the babysitting. This could have instead resulted in a dog on dog tragedy, if these dogs had issues with other dogs and this was a dog housesitting situation instead of a child babysitting situation. I believe a lot of the ideas I have on this would seem to apply to that type of situation, as well.

4. Just like I do with a home where someone is going to house sit a dog, parents should do a walk through with the babysitter, indoors and out, to see the condition of the premises.

5. Babysitters should do an introduction of their pets with the owner and owner’s kids. If that can’t be successfully accomplished, I think that should disqualify that babysitter and the parents need to find someone else. 

5. If the parents can’t find an acceptable babysitter, then don’t go to work or leave the kids there. 

6. Know your dogs. Or test them in some way, if possible, but realize that sometimes tests fail to predict the future. If you own dogs with behavioral problems, especially if there are known aggression problems, then board the dogs off premises or don’t do any babysitting at your home. If the owner has dogs that have behavioral problems, especially if there are known aggression problems, then don’t agree to babysit the kids at their home, either. These dogs were put away in a bedroom for some reason.

7. From what I’m perceiving, I’m guessing that if these dogs had gotten out, and the 36-year-old babysitter had never left the premises, the dogs still might have attacked the child, and the adult babysitter would have been just as injured as the 13-year-old daughter. 

8. Some dogs can break through or open normal bedroom doors. Typical suburban home doors aren’t designed to hold back a group of powerful and determined dogs, even if they start out in good condition. So, you need a proper kennel for some dogs. Some dogs can even break out of a normal kennel.

9. You are in for a major fight whenever you are dealing with a dog that wants to attack. Even your own dogs can turn on you if you are in the middle of it all. Dogs are extremely powerful when in a fight mode, and it takes a lot of force to stop them if you can’t get away. Also, in a fight like this, you aren’t going to be thinking very clearly. It isn’t fair to Monday Morning Quarterback this story and claim you know what you would have done. Your plan might have not worked either. 

10. My belief is that the only thing that would have worked here would have been to not leave the child at this location under these circumstances. I don’t see indications that anyone had bad intentions. 

11. The dogs should be put down. I would not attempt to rehome them. Some people would advocate the dogs going to a sanctuary. I wouldn’t do that. 

12. This is now a criminal case, and nothing is going to stop the wheels of justice from rolling now. 

More information is probably going to come out, and my thoughts and recommendations will probably change as a result. This isn't a fact finding article, but my walkthrough of what I'm seeing in these stories. This is a tragedy, and the purpose of reporting this is a way of informing others about how I look at something like this and how I process preventative measures someone might take in similar circumstances. Others might process this information differently and come to different views and recommendations. But, even if any of my suggestions, or any one else's suggestions, had been taken prior to this tragedy, it might still have occurred in a similar way. No way to know, we can't turn back the clock.

Dog With Cancer Bites Owner

Korinne Mortensen of Salt Lake City, Utah, was relaxing with her dog Niko in November 2022 when suddenly he lunged at her and mauled her face.

Many years ago, I had a student with a black Lab puppy. One day, she called the dog to come back into the house from the back yard, but the dog just laid there in the grass. Thinking her dog was being stubborn, she reached for his collar to get him going. He attacked her and tore up her arm.

Her neighbor was a "German Shepherd trainer", whatever that means. He told her if one of his dogs had done that, he would have beaten the hell out of that dog. 

She contacted me. After evaluating the dog and situation, I told her something was wrong, and I recommended she take the dog to the vet for an exam. Sure enough, the dog had cancer. 

Not all aggression is a behavioral problem.

Monday, October 07, 2024

One Year Old Child Attacked By Dog

"Unfortunately, we were made aware, while we were here on scene, that this is not the first time something like this has happened. My understanding is that...there has been a dog attack episode at this residence here before. My understanding is that the owner was cited at that time, and...the dogs have actually been deemed dangerous animals," Salazar said.


We don’t have the full story in this article. I can’t re-create the scenario, so this is a developing story. But, here are my initial reactions.


First, a 1-year-old isn’t going to do too well if attacked by a dog. Horrible. The indications to me from reading other articles makes me think that the situation is grave.


I wonder why the dogs targeted the infant. More information is needed to draw any educated guesses. I don’t recommend people piling on here and making the situation worse. The situation is already about as bad as it can get. I don’t know what advice I would have given to these folks before, during, or after this incident. This post is about what you can do if you own a dog. 


Second, there is reportedly some kind of history here with the owner of the dogs allegedly being cited for having “dangerous” dogs and being aware of some kind of previous attack. Oh, boy. The law isn’t going to be very forgiving if this is a second incident, and especially with a child involved and if any negligence is discovered. 


The article says the dogs were some kind of pit bull mixes. I don’t think that is as relevant as to how the dogs were being managed. 


Sometimes the best option when you have dogs that are deemed to be dangerous, is to at least rehome the dogs. Sometimes the best option is euthanasia before something worse happens. 


But be aware: Just like parents are starting to be charged with crimes if their kid gets their gun and they know the kid is troubled, the law seems to be going that way with respect to dogs and kids. Hopefully that trend decreases the risk of these types of tragedies and increases the demand for properly bred dogs, more education about socialization by veterinarians, and people accepting that their dogs need more training and supervision. In my opinion, most people don't train their dogs sufficiently, regardless of breed or situation. The demands of life with a dog are greater today than ever before. We are making a lot of demands on dogs these days, and more attention needs to be paid to everything, from birth to old age. More laws aren't the primary solution here. 


My rule is always: People safety first, dog safety second. I don’t care how much you love your dog; the priority needs to be for the people first. I don’t know the thinking of this owner. I can’t read minds. I’m just saying that it is important for dog owners to have that sorted out in their heads before ever even getting a dog.


AZ Needs Better Emergency Animal Welfare Response Laws And Follow Through

“We've had many instances where we've called the police and the Arizona Humane,” Hoffman said. “They'll come out and they'll assess the situation, and they leave. And the animal stays in the horrific situation.”


AZ needs to empower and fund better emergency and abuse response for animals in distress and abuse situations. This has been a known problem for a long time. This requires new laws, more funding, and a reorganization of those who should be empowered to do the investigations, rescue, seizures of distressed animals, transport, communications, medical care, and public relations. 


I recommend contacting State Senator John Kavanagh, (R) District, office. He has been a consistent animal welfare champion, and has “previously gotten animal protection laws passed, and he plans to bring more to the next legislative session.” Legislators need public support to see proposed legislation become law. Write or call his office and offer your support.

Sunday, October 06, 2024

Black Friday Puppies And Dogs

Every year, after Thanksgiving, we have the Black Friday sales. Consumers have wads of cash, and they are ready to spend. A lot of these purchases are in anticipation of Christmas. There will be a LOT of great pets to choose from... (MORE)

Wolf hybrids Seized: Animal Cruelty Investigation

Ten wolf hybrid canines seized during an animal cruelty investigation in Aguanga this summer were bound for an exotic pet shelter in Arizona on Friday, Oct. 4 for permanent placement, sparing them from euthanasia.


I don’t see the allure of owning a wolf hybrid. Domesticated pets are selectively bred to live peaceably in human environments. Wild animals can’t take the stresses and have amplified survival needs that don’t mesh as well as domesticated pets.


I also wouldn’t demand a wolf hybrid to be euthanized by law. If the animal is well managed, then I don’t see the harm. I agree with one of the statements in the article: “The big problem is that they are too ‘wolfy’ to be a pet and they’re not ‘wolfy’ enough to be in a commercial facility, such as a zoo.”


There are animals that are dangerous, very dangerous, to have as pets. Such as chimpanzees. Nope, don’t want one of those. 


I hope the fates of these wolf hybrids is good. It is difficult enough to rescue and rehome pet dogs, it is even harder for wolf hybrids.

More People Own Dogs Than Ever Before

"The dog today is not the dog of 10 years ago," Bobby Boivin, the co-owner of Boo's Dog Bar in Sarasota, Florida, said. "The dog today is literally a child in the family. It is a family member. And well, when people go out to dinner, they want to bring the whole family with them."

The demand on pets is higher today than ever before. Since I meet directly with families on a regular basis, I can confirm that people love their dogs like family. They also have increased needs and expectations of their dogs. I’ve had to develop numerous solutions for a wide variety of issues that weren’t as much of a consideration 20 years ago.

More people plan on taking their dogs on vacations, hikes, road trips. More people are contemplating and doing therapy dog volunteering. The only difference I’ve seen lately is that people are having fewer guests since the lockdowns. People seem to have fewer friends now, so their dogs are taking a larger role in their social circles. The big downside is the dysfunctional municipal animal control system nationwide. It is still operating from the same model they have used for 50 or more years, and they are warehousing and traumatizing more pets than ever before. For people who are looking for a family member, they find these places to be repugnant, insincere, inefficient, obsolete, smelly, loud, oftentimes rude, and disgusting. Is there any government program that runs efficiently? Government should not be in the animal rescue business. More on that later... 

With all of that, people are still in the dark as to good ways to manage and train their dogs. A lot of old wives’ tales exist, people still react emotionally to dogs, and people often focus more on how they feel rather than how their dogs are doing. It is hard to cut through all the chatter on the internet to find out what is really going on with a dog and to get good coaching to solve problems effectively and humanely. 

Dog Derangement

According to the Google AI, “derangement’ is defined as: A state of being unable to think clearly or act in a controlled way, especially due to mental illness.

Some people can become quite ugly. I think we have all known people who have gone over to the Dark Side, into irrational anger and actions, over something or some issue. I generally believe this is either their temperament, or the fallout of some other stress that redirects towards another target.

If you have owned a dog long enough, you will encounter instances of, what I refer to as, Dog Derangement. 

An example. In the UK, they have banned several dog breeds. The latest is the XL Bully. Instead of focusing on responsible dog ownership, they banned this new breed. Do you think that this will reduce dog bite instances in the UK? It won’t. Dog bans have never worked. People will just switch to another breed or create a new one. The emotional overreaction and illogical response only harm innocent animals, it doesn't fix the problem.

Or you might see it while innocently taking your dog for a walk. What a pleasure it is for some random stranger to run up to you, pointing their bony finger in your face, because you dared to walk your friendly puppy in public. I’ve experienced that. 

Or the goofy relative with a chip on their shoulder who thinks they need to teach your dog a lesson. Or the neighbor who decides to make your dog’s life miserable. 

Dog ownership is quite the adventure. It should be fun, but it does have risks. Avoid those afflicted with Dog Derangement, and train accordingly.

Neighborhood Teams Using Dogs To Save Hurricane Helene Victims

Harville organized hundreds of volunteers who used drones, thermal cameras, binoculars and hunting dogs to scour the muddy banks, fending off copperhead snakes, trudging through knee-high muck and fighting through tangled branches.

Dogs are relevant and needed for search and rescue. However, this kind of work isn’t without risks. This linked article says a man and his dog drowned trying to save a victim of Hurricane Helene. Tragic. Just horrible. 


I think every community should have citizen-based rescue groups that are available in case of a disaster. Helene has proven the folly of waiting for government to come and help. 


What I get out of these things: You are your own first responder. And your neighbors should organize to help. They do it for moral reasons. Don't wait for government services and don't assume they will treat you well... in this instance, the response is deplorable.


Form a block watch program for your neighborhood. And include exercises and resources to deploy in case of a disaster.

Saturday, October 05, 2024

A Dog Training Mess

Occasionally, a carefully planned dog training lesson… will turn out to be a mess. That is because every dog has a vote in terms of how things are going to go. Thus, in the middle portion of one of my lessons this morning, what I was trying to do went sideways.

Have you experienced this before? I have. Many times. I enjoy a puzzle like this, and I enjoy seeing a dog make progress. I never stick to one approach if that approach isn't working for a dog.

Ex-NY Gov. David Paterson Attacked When Walking Dog

 Ex-NY Gov. David Paterson, stepson attacked by gang of young suspects while walking dog on UES

Do you have a plan in case someone tries to attack you while walking your dog? What would you do in such a case since you can't assume anyone will come to your aid? 

Just because you have a dog with you on a walk or jog doesn't mean someone won't try to go after you. If this person doesn't care about your dog, and if your dog is incapable of helping you in a fight, then what is your plan? And what if, like the Ex-Gov, you are disabled? 

Better to think ahead than regretting afterwards that you didn't even consider the risks. Furthermore, is it time to move away from where you live? Or to take a different route? Many places in the US have become dangerous because of... well, you know the reasons. You can't fight the world, sometimes it is better to move away.

Man Saves Girl But Is Attacked By Dog

Man hospitalized after stopping dog attack at a Willard school bus stop

There is no safe and painless way to stop all dog attacks. This man is a hero, but heroes sometimes pay a heavy price for their courage. If you saw a dog attack, are you always prepared to jump in and save someone's life? 

Dog Saves Owner's Life

A dog saved her owner – who hurt his leg at home in rural Washington state, fell and couldn’t get up for hours – by walking to a road, sitting in the middle of it until a local sheriff’s deputy stopped, and leading the officer to him, according to authorities.

Some might ask, "why have a dog?" Well, here's a good reason. We have seen many accounts like these in the news. 

Helene: Friendly Tennessee Pit Bull Trapped In Tree

 Tennessee dog trapped in tree rescued 3 days after Helene floods

Well, here is a bright spot. This dog was rescued by firefighters, trapped 20 feet above the ground in a tree. The dog was microchipped (always a good idea) and will be reunited with her owners. 

Look at that dog... what a sweet face!!

Friday, October 04, 2024

Police Seize And Kill Innocent Dog In UK

'However, unfortunately, due to an administration error the dog was subsequently euthanized before the court hearing.'

What is with the lack of civil rights in some areas and countries? Why are some authorities so full of themselves that they are willing to steamroll over citizens? This case is an abomination. Are they sorry only because they got caught?

Whatever happened to GREAT Britain? To me, it looks like a nation of men without chests, a nation that has lost their core values. What happened here violated the respect of the right to due process of the law. Apologies won’t bring this dog back to life. Authorities in many nations will take it out on dogs to stomp on human rights to appease the squeaky wheels. I think they bully the public into silence. Where is their Gandhi? Where is their Churchill?

I don't believe claims that this won't happen again. 

Dogs Don't Like Being Hugged

 "... dogs are stressed when humans hug them"

I mentioned this to a student, she got offended, and then proclaimed that her dog must not love her. Oh boy...

Here's the deal, dogs don't hug one another. To dogs, I believe hugging signals they are possibly being captured by a predator. To them, it isn't natural. To humans, it is natural. But we are different species and interpret touch differently.

So... your dog loves you and you love your dog. That doesn't mean your dog interprets hugging as something pleasant. This might also explain why some dogs don't like seeing people in their family being hugged. I don't think it is always jealousy or attention seeking. I think some dogs interpret it as threatening. Something to think about. 

Sydney Sweeney and Her Dog Tank

"She sleeps like a human: in bed, with her body underneath the blankets, and then her head on the pillow. I spoon her on my right side."

I think it is great that celebrities have pets. I think it gives them a sense of reality in a world of unreality. Sydney Sweeney adopted a rescue dog and it appears this dog is having the time of its life, and Sydney Sweeney is enjoying it all. This is a pretty cool article and worth the read. If you like dogs, then I probably am going to like you... and I'm now a fan!

Dogs And Hurricane Helene

Helene is the deadliest hurricane since Katrina. But with the economy in the dumps because of widespread government mismanagement and inflation there will be no demand for the rescued pets. 

I wonder if there are any large-scale organized rescue efforts for pets in the affected areas. If you look, what’s going on with the total and complete screwup regarding humans, it’s got to be even worse for animals

Forget about transport to other shelters around the country… who is going to take in these dogs, examine them, vaccinate and treat them, feed them, temporarily house them, and find them homes, when most large municipal shelters are already mismanaged as pet warehouses and packed full?

Now you’re going to have a bunch of stray dogs and cats that have no owners, no one to rescue them and nobody to feed them. We can borrow and spend trillions of dollars on wasted programs, but then when it really is needed, they don't have and can’t get the resources to the people, and there will be no help for pets. Furthermore, I don’t think Congress goes back to work until after the first of the year, so I don’t even know how they do appropriations for this kind of an emergency when they ran the bank account dry. 

We’re going to be hearing about requests for help from rescues around the country for these people and these animals, but with shelters and rescues packed to the gills, I don’t think any help is coming.

Be Careful With Your Dog At Parks

About 20 years ago I lived in the Seattle area. I was doing a house training lesson for a couple that owned a French Bulldog. FB's are great little dogs. Well... as we proceeded, I noticed that this dog just wouldn't stop moving around. Zoom here, zoom there, again and again. I asked if that was normal for their dog. They said they had never seen that kind of thing out of her. I stopped the lesson and told them to immediately take their dog to the vet for an exam. 

They called me afterwards. Their dog was admitted with an elevated fever and the vet believed the dog had ingested some meth. 

How could that have happened? Just before I saw them, the owner had taken their dog for a walk along the Seattle waterfront near the train tracks. This area was a known place for druggies to hang out. The guess was the dog found something with meth on it and ingested it. 

Their dog was awake and agitated for nearly 24 hours before it settled down. 

This experience, plus some other observations during outdoor lessons, makes me tell all students to be very careful with their dogs at public parks, especially around park benches. There have been numerous times I've spotted needles on the ground around the seating areas, and burn marks on the tables and benches. I've seen people ingest drugs at park benches and go completely Twilight Zone as they wander off talking and arguing with invisible enemies. I've also seen other undesirable items left on the ground, including tossed food or choking hazards that would not be safe for dogs to ingest. So, while it is great to take your dog for an outing at parks, you need to see things from their perspective and watch out for these types of hazards. Especially at parks where you know people might be using those places to get high. 

Dog Owner Loses Eye Because Of Retractable Leash

Abreu gripped the leash tightly and pulled back, trying to keep Blu under control, when the leash broke and struck her in her right eye, leaving her bloody and blind.

I’ve said this for years, I hate retractable leashes. I think they are dangerous for the dogs and the humans. When I see them in lessons, I tell the owner to throw them away. I personally know people and dogs that have been harmed. 

Thursday, October 03, 2024

Don't Do Stupid Things With Your Dog

John Farnam's rules to keep you out of trouble:  

Don’t go to stupid places. 

Don’t associate with stupid people.  

Don’t do stupid things. 

Have a “normal” appearance. 

Be in bed by 10:00 PM (your own bed).  

Don’t fail the attitude test.


Do you do stupid things with your dog? I think the above rules are also good for people with dogs. I’d add a few myself…


Your dog doesn’t need to meet all other dogs or people in public


Don’t neglect socializing your dog prior to 12 weeks of age


Don’t let your dog be attacked by predators, human or otherwise


Don’t let your dog roam the neighborhood


Don’t let anyone mess with or threaten your dog


Don’t use off leash parks, but if you do, get out of there at the first sign of trouble


Don’t neglect to train your dog and get training yourself


Don’t let people do scary things to your dog


Don’t get a dog if you are not committed to follow through on that commitment


Don’t make your dog have a bad day


Don’t neglect your dog’s health

Dogs Kill Livestock

Six dogs have killed more than 50 lambs, ducks and chickens in attacks described as ‘‘horrific’' and ‘‘heartbreaking’'.


In most rural communities, they operate under laws that property owners can kill stray dogs, especially if they are menacing livestock. Stray dogs can menace and attack innocent people. It's a serious risk.


When you are in farming communities… keep your dog on leash, and make sure your dog has the training to obey your commands. 

Cage Free Dog Boarding And Rescue Facilities

“Our dream was to make a place where people wanted to go,” Franklin says. “When you think of going to an animal shelter to find a dog, it’s stressful, it’s depressing, the dogs are all barking, you don’t get to touch them, they’re behind glass or metal doors. When you walk into Muttville, you walk into a space that is really magical.”

I believe larger shelters and professional boarding kennels can accommodate cage free areas for pets. The keys to success are a.) proper and continuous supervision by the staff; b.) safety designed furniture and floorplans to prevent injuries or fights; c.) only allowing visitors who have been screened appropriately, educated on how to behave around these dogs, and supervised by staff; and d.) only mixing dogs that are highly likely to get along and not engage in violence. 

There have been tragic outcomes for dogs in cage free environments. I am assuming this facility in the article has done a good job and hasn't had any problems. Dogs have been injured and some have died in other facilities. So, the welfare of the dogs is important. Add in visitors that the dogs don’t know, and even more can go wrong. Years ago, I was preparing to conduct an outdoor group dog training class. One of the staff allowed a friend to accompany her into the yard area where dogs were finishing their play time before being picked up by their owners. I sensed something was wrong, and sure enough, a dog fight broke out between two dogs that the friend was interacting with. These were dogs that had never fought before. I warned the owner the next day that only staff should be in the yard with the dogs and not strangers. Some people can put off the wrong vibe with dogs, and behave inappropriately with dogs, and trigger fights. That is what happened here.

So, do I support cage free areas in shelters or boarding facilities? Yes. Is it a good set up for all dogs? No. Even in this article, they define the types of dogs they feel are best suited for their program. It is useful to also look at the furniture being used in the photos. For some dogs, that would be fine, for others, it wouldn’t work. I like the home environment aspects. I think that it could greatly reduce stress and help simulate a home environment for some dogs to make their stay less stressful. So… yes and no. 

Mountain Lions Kill 15 Dogs In 30 Days

“When human development expands into mountain lion habitat, the chances of encountering a mountain lion increases, and people must become more vigilant,” he said. “People living in areas with mountain lions must take precautions to avoid encounters between lions and their pets.”

When I warn people to prepare for wildlife attacks against their pets, it isn't without a factual basis. After the pandemic, many people moved away from cities and moved to more rural areas. This trend has been going on for years, but the pandemic accelerated this trend. 

There have been several complications. First, these city folk haven't the experience of living near wildlife, and so these tragedies are accelerating. Second, these city folk are voting in policies that might work in a big city, but won't work in and near the wilderness. 

The short term effects are lost pets. The long term affects will be realized as these city folk repeal the necessary ways, regulations and laws that have been developed over many years. We have seen stories coming out of Idaho where these city folk have captured flock guarding dogs, thinking they were strays, and turning them into animal control. We've seen people trying to go up and pet elk and buffalo, and in once case someone picked up a baby buffalo, put it in their car, and turned it in as if it was a stray. Currently, there are serious challenges to proper wildlife management. These people have a Disneyland view of wildlife and are imposing laws that won't make matters better. After the introduction of wolves into Yellowstone, the elk and deer populations have been decimated. Now, wolves are being introduced into Colorado, and a law is being proposed to outlaw mountain lion hunting, without any plan to support the prey they will eat. 

Pets are now on the menu. I predict that if this isn't balanced out, then these residents will be on the menu, too. 

Man Kills Cougar That Attacked His Dog

“The man said his dog, a husky, began growling and barking as the lion approached,” CPW reports. “When the lion got within about 10 feet, the dog engaged it and the man grabbed a shovel, which he used to strike the lion in the head, killing it.

When you live in areas with wild predators, you need a plan in case you or your pets are attacked. While the use of a shovel is a novel approach, I don't think that can be counted on as a good solution the next time. I think some consideration of the types of ways hunters and wildlife officers dispatch these predators is in order.

If you were to be in a confrontation with a heavyweight boxer, what minimum requirements would it take for you to prevail? That is the kind of thinking you would do regarding predators. What if it was a coyote? Another mountain lion? A black bear? A crocodile or alligator? A 15 foot python? Or let's say it wasn't a predator but another type of animal? What about a deer with antlers? An elk? A moose? A javelina? 

This incident happened 40 miles west of Pueblo, CO, in a campground near "Cañon City in Fremont County, Colorado". The dog's owner is familiar with the area, which is known to have many mountain lions. It is important to read the signs that are usually posted at the entrances of most natural parks which describe what you might encounter, and prepare accordingly. He might not have been able to prevent this attack, but I think it is important to prepare in case you have to deal with such an attack. Cougars see dogs as a good meal. Plan accordingly. 

Wednesday, October 02, 2024

Puppies Left In Box Outside Shelter

“9 Doberman puppies left in box outside L.A. shelter looking for forever homes

 This is not an unknown phenomenon, especially in rural communities. People breed a litter, don’t know what to do with all those puppies, the shelters aren’t taking in any more dogs or it is after hours, so the owner puts them in a box outside the shelter. 


Some shelters have drop off boxes just for this purpose. Unfortunately, those boxes are unattended. These dogs are vulnerable until someone from the shelter goes out there and gets them. This is why I support the idea of shelters, especially municipal shelters, having staff on hand 24/7. 


Another observation: something is wrong when the public feels this is their only option. Reforms are necessary. More on that later… 

Dogs Needing Rescue Because Of Hurricane Helene

 “Chicago's Anti-Cruelty welcomed more than two dozen dogs from pet shelters in Florida

I remember efforts like this after Hurricane Katrina. If it wasn’t for private rescues, these dogs wouldn’t have made it. There was only one downside, the influx of dogs from Louisiana introduced a more infectious and pervasive version of Leptospirosis to AZ. Hopefully these rescues are doing full parasitic and viral evaluations of these dogs before they are transported or adopted.

Knucklehead Mark Cuban Says His Dog Is Smarter Than AI

"Mark Cuban says his dog is a better problem-solver than AI right now: ‘I think smart puppies are smarter'"

I have to admit, I don't understand Mark Cuban's need to continually bloviate on almost every topic. Sometimes it is better to not say anything rather than looking stupid. I think he should stay in his wheelhouse... business investment. But even a broken clock is right twice a day, and in this case, I agree with him. A lot is being made of AI, with claims that we are almost at the point where computers are smarter than humans. 

No way are we even close to that point. Try messing around with the online AI platforms. Ask some questions and see how that turns out. They are interesting, but intelligent? Nope. Is there a danger in letting computers make significant decisions in place of humans? Yes, because they are not humans, don't have their values or insights or ability to develop wisdom. 

No computer is going to replace your dog anytime soon, or ever. 

Hawaii: New Dog Laws Aren’t The Solution

Totor told HNN Investigates the issue of loose dogs has been a problem at the park since the beginning, adding many of the unleashed animals appear to belong to homeless people who camp nearby.


The news says dog bites have increased 20% in Oahu, HI. Legislators are recommending new laws to deal with dog bites. However, that isn’t the root problem, is it? How are the authorities going to track this dog to that homeless person and hold that person accountable? None of this is going to happen. Unless and until the homeless problems are solved, these dog issues aren’t going to get solved. In the meantime, it’s all smoke and mirrors… never getting to the causes and avoiding what needs to be done. No one will be held accountable, and the dogs will be captured and put down. 


Stray dogs aren’t the problem in these communities. 

Tuesday, October 01, 2024

Protecting Dogs From Wildlife

Let's say you are used to living in an urban or suburban neighborhood that doesn't have large predators. You get used to that environment. You think that's the way it must be everywhere.

Then... you either move to a more rural area, or take a vacation to a more rural area, and you assume that you can just do what you have always done. It's only a matter of time before something bad will happen.

Imagine living in Cody, WY and having to do grizzly drills at the local grade schools! Bet you never considered that kind of thing as normal. I am sure we will soon hear reports of grizzlies in the Plains states, and other reports of them well outside Wyoming and Montana. I remember when they banned cougar hunting with dogs in Washington State, and then these mountain lions were spotted near grade schools during recess. In other parts of the world, kids can't just wait at the corner by themselves for the school bus, such as in Siberia or Alaska. You don't do that kind of thing there. I'm sure similar concerns are on the minds of people in Africa, Australia, Asia, South America and other places.

In AZ, you can have predators and other dangerous animals visit your property, endangering your pets and family. We have black bear, mountain lions, bobcats, lynx, coyotes, javelina, rattlesnakes, coral snakes, and large birds of prey. People come here, let their pets in their yards without supervision, and sometimes... no more pet. I am thinking of someone I know who lives near Camelback Mountain. They have a small grave marker on their property where they buried their small white fluffy dog. I'm not sure what kind of predator got him, but there wasn't much left of him when they went calling for him and he didn't come in the house. I had a student who lived in Scottsdale, also with a small white fluffy dog. Her dog was mauled by a large predatory bird in her back yard. Fortunately, the dog survived, but it needed stitches because it was torn up badly.

Similarly, in AZ, and other places with large animals, you need to not just go along as if everything is going to be safe. Sometimes the pet is attacked. Sometimes the human is also attacked. There have been stories all over the West detailing such tragedies. 

When I travel, I always consider wildlife risks. Especially since almost all my vacations are in the mountain states. I have anecdotal stories, from credible sources, of sightings of dangerous animals in all these places. 

I'm sure similar stories can be told in Eastern states. I know there are bears, moose, wolves, coyotes and other animals there. And of course, in the southeastern states... big reptiles and invasive snakes. 

Do you think about these things when you travel, or consider moving to a new place? I do.

Inmate Charged After Punching Therapy Dog

An inmate allegedly punched and seriously injured a therapy dog puppy.

One thing I have learned over the years, not everyone is going to be nice to your dog. This is also true for therapy and service dogs. 

Good hearted volunteers who take therapy dogs to visit various people often have their guards down when doing their work. A built in assumption is that others are going to appreciate their dogs equally. Unfortunately, that isn't the case. Whether visiting children or adults, regardless of the situation, I recommend two adults per therapy dog. One person is a lookout and helper. The other person is the dog's owner and handler. This way, everyone's welfare can be seen from all angles. I have used this approach for a while, and I think it should be standard practice. 

In this article, the alleged bad guy is a habitual offender. What kind of 27 year old man would feel it ok to punch a gentle 13 month old King Charles Cavalier Spaniel so hard that the dog suffered from a concussion? The news says they are going to charge this creep with the maximum allowable penalties, maybe as much as 8 years in prison. 

Be careful in all therapy dog environments. Not everyone is going to be good to your dog.

‘Miracle’ dog stuck in car’s grille

"‘Miracle’ dog stuck in car’s grille for 12 hours after being hit in Florida."

It is amazing that this dog survived this ordeal. I've seen several stories in which wild animals survived in a similar way, such as coyotes. 

Army Testing Robot Dogs

"Army Testing Robot Dogs Armed with Artificial Intelligence-Enabled Rifles in Middle East"

After some research and thinking, we are a long way from being able to replace real dogs or soldiers with robots. 

Consider The Terminator, first movie. That technology doesn't exist. Putting a dog's abilities in to a drone doesn't exist, either.

If you have messed around a bit with AI (artificial intelligence) applications, they aren't all that intelligent. They are pretty dumb. Computers are good for crunching numbers, or doing word searches. But for real world style thinking, it just isn't there. 

Consider the complications of dating. Think of all the complex things it takes to go from asking someone out to getting married. No existing computer could do all of that today. No one would fall in love with a robot, even with a lifelike body, using the very best AI computers. The ability to negotiate something like that is significantly beyond what any computer can do. Now, imagine a robot, of any configuration, going into combat and fighting against a human. There is a lot more to combat than shooting a rifle. There is strategy, camouflage, negotiation, spy craft, deception techniques, concepts of good and evil, coordination with plans and goals of the nation you represent, and on and on. Included in all of this is the lack of sensory abilities and processing compared to living organisms. We can perceive things a computer can't. Same with a dog.

I think there are uses for such technology. Hopefully, the US military is consulting with top K9 trainers to help enhance whatever they are developing to give them insight into the behaviors that make a dog useful in combat.