Friday, October 04, 2024

Dogs And Hurricane Helene

Helene is the deadliest hurricane since Katrina. But with the economy in the dumps because of widespread government mismanagement and inflation there will be no demand for the rescued pets. 

I wonder if there are any large-scale organized rescue efforts for pets in the affected areas. If you look, what’s going on with the total and complete screwup regarding humans, it’s got to be even worse for animals

Forget about transport to other shelters around the country… who is going to take in these dogs, examine them, vaccinate and treat them, feed them, temporarily house them, and find them homes, when most large municipal shelters are already mismanaged as pet warehouses and packed full?

Now you’re going to have a bunch of stray dogs and cats that have no owners, no one to rescue them and nobody to feed them. We can borrow and spend trillions of dollars on wasted programs, but then when it really is needed, they don't have and can’t get the resources to the people, and there will be no help for pets. Furthermore, I don’t think Congress goes back to work until after the first of the year, so I don’t even know how they do appropriations for this kind of an emergency when they ran the bank account dry. 

We’re going to be hearing about requests for help from rescues around the country for these people and these animals, but with shelters and rescues packed to the gills, I don’t think any help is coming.

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