Wednesday, October 02, 2024

Knucklehead Mark Cuban Says His Dog Is Smarter Than AI

"Mark Cuban says his dog is a better problem-solver than AI right now: ‘I think smart puppies are smarter'"

I have to admit, I don't understand Mark Cuban's need to continually bloviate on almost every topic. Sometimes it is better to not say anything rather than looking stupid. I think he should stay in his wheelhouse... business investment. But even a broken clock is right twice a day, and in this case, I agree with him. A lot is being made of AI, with claims that we are almost at the point where computers are smarter than humans. 

No way are we even close to that point. Try messing around with the online AI platforms. Ask some questions and see how that turns out. They are interesting, but intelligent? Nope. Is there a danger in letting computers make significant decisions in place of humans? Yes, because they are not humans, don't have their values or insights or ability to develop wisdom. 

No computer is going to replace your dog anytime soon, or ever. 

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