Thursday, October 10, 2024

Dog Fates After Owner Arrest?

The dog’s whereabouts were also unknown after it ran off during the suspect’s detainment.

One type of unnamed victim of an arrest is the dog that is left behind. In this story, the dog ran away after the suspect was taken into custody. A similar type of problem is the dog left behind after a medical emergency. 911 shows up, the person is taken away in an ambulance, and the dog is left behind. 

For the dog, these situations are going to be very traumatic. The dog has witnessed something bad and that is going to most likely traumatize that dog.

I had a student that had a a medical emergency like this. When he finally came home, the dog was now very suspicious of strangers in the home. Prior to that event, the dog was a happy go lucky pit bull. 

I don’t have any practical tips for first responders regarding the dogs. Maybe there should be rescue groups which are contacted to check up on the dog? Or in this case, to see if the dog returns and can be captured and fostered. 

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