Friday, October 11, 2024

“Dogs in L.A. shelters being euthanized at historic rate”

Want to know why shelters are full across the country and why euthanasia rates are so high? 

It’s this terrible economy. I see article after article about the cost of living and people having to relinquish their pets. The government can’t keep spending and printing money without a corresponding increase in productivity and goods. Real incomes are falling, everything has gotten more expensive, and rescues are going under, and the shelters are full. It doesn’t matter if you do more spay/ neuter if the public can’t afford to reimburse the cost of owning these pets. This isn't a problem with backyard breeding, either. Most people are living paycheck to paycheck, they are loading up their credit cards to pay for essential needs, and employment isn't what it used to be. The nation is in crisis.

I remember what happened during the Great Recession. The carnage in the shelters was horrible, and we are seeing the same thing now. We are heading towards a recession, and we are living in a bubble economy that is artificially being held aloft by unsustainable government mismanagement, both monetary and fiscal.

If you love pets, then you’ll pay more attention to economics, real economics like what is taught in college. Government is crowding out private enterprise in a thousand different ways. Don’t tell me you are an animal welfare advocate and you ignore the forces that are causing this dog holocaust.

“It's the economy, stupid.”

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