Sunday, October 06, 2024

Dog Derangement

According to the Google AI, “derangement’ is defined as: A state of being unable to think clearly or act in a controlled way, especially due to mental illness.

Some people can become quite ugly. I think we have all known people who have gone over to the Dark Side, into irrational anger and actions, over something or some issue. I generally believe this is either their temperament, or the fallout of some other stress that redirects towards another target.

If you have owned a dog long enough, you will encounter instances of, what I refer to as, Dog Derangement. 

An example. In the UK, they have banned several dog breeds. The latest is the XL Bully. Instead of focusing on responsible dog ownership, they banned this new breed. Do you think that this will reduce dog bite instances in the UK? It won’t. Dog bans have never worked. People will just switch to another breed or create a new one. The emotional overreaction and illogical response only harm innocent animals, it doesn't fix the problem.

Or you might see it while innocently taking your dog for a walk. What a pleasure it is for some random stranger to run up to you, pointing their bony finger in your face, because you dared to walk your friendly puppy in public. I’ve experienced that. 

Or the goofy relative with a chip on their shoulder who thinks they need to teach your dog a lesson. Or the neighbor who decides to make your dog’s life miserable. 

Dog ownership is quite the adventure. It should be fun, but it does have risks. Avoid those afflicted with Dog Derangement, and train accordingly.

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