Saturday, October 05, 2024

Ex-NY Gov. David Paterson Attacked When Walking Dog

 Ex-NY Gov. David Paterson, stepson attacked by gang of young suspects while walking dog on UES

Do you have a plan in case someone tries to attack you while walking your dog? What would you do in such a case since you can't assume anyone will come to your aid? 

Just because you have a dog with you on a walk or jog doesn't mean someone won't try to go after you. If this person doesn't care about your dog, and if your dog is incapable of helping you in a fight, then what is your plan? And what if, like the Ex-Gov, you are disabled? 

Better to think ahead than regretting afterwards that you didn't even consider the risks. Furthermore, is it time to move away from where you live? Or to take a different route? Many places in the US have become dangerous because of... well, you know the reasons. You can't fight the world, sometimes it is better to move away.

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