Sunday, October 06, 2024

More People Own Dogs Than Ever Before

"The dog today is not the dog of 10 years ago," Bobby Boivin, the co-owner of Boo's Dog Bar in Sarasota, Florida, said. "The dog today is literally a child in the family. It is a family member. And well, when people go out to dinner, they want to bring the whole family with them."

The demand on pets is higher today than ever before. Since I meet directly with families on a regular basis, I can confirm that people love their dogs like family. They also have increased needs and expectations of their dogs. I’ve had to develop numerous solutions for a wide variety of issues that weren’t as much of a consideration 20 years ago.

More people plan on taking their dogs on vacations, hikes, road trips. More people are contemplating and doing therapy dog volunteering. The only difference I’ve seen lately is that people are having fewer guests since the lockdowns. People seem to have fewer friends now, so their dogs are taking a larger role in their social circles. The big downside is the dysfunctional municipal animal control system nationwide. It is still operating from the same model they have used for 50 or more years, and they are warehousing and traumatizing more pets than ever before. For people who are looking for a family member, they find these places to be repugnant, insincere, inefficient, obsolete, smelly, loud, oftentimes rude, and disgusting. Is there any government program that runs efficiently? Government should not be in the animal rescue business. More on that later... 

With all of that, people are still in the dark as to good ways to manage and train their dogs. A lot of old wives’ tales exist, people still react emotionally to dogs, and people often focus more on how they feel rather than how their dogs are doing. It is hard to cut through all the chatter on the internet to find out what is really going on with a dog and to get good coaching to solve problems effectively and humanely. 

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